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雅思備考|每天一個口語話題:high school


順順留學發布時間:05-2610:23每日分享一個口語話題,幫你輕松雅思7+今天學姐分享的話題是雅思口語出現率很高的一個:high school(高中生活)可能問到內容:Do you like your high school?你喜歡高中嗎?Yeah, I do. Its one of the best high schools in our city. The campus is beautiful, and our teachers were very patient and friendly. Even though life was hard back then, it was quite memorable.非常喜歡。我的高中是城市中最好的高中之一。校園環境非常棒,老師們也都極具耐心。盡管回憶起來學生時代的生活蠻辛苦的,但真的是很難忘的一段時光。Which subject do you like or dislike most?談談你最喜歡或最不喜歡的科目I liked to learn geography most, because Im interested in learning about the different countries and cultures. But I hated chemistry, which has a lot of complicated formulas.我最喜歡地理課,喜歡了解不同國家和當地的文化生活。化學是我最不喜歡的科目,我覺得太復雜了難度很大。Do you still contact with your friends in high school?目前仍舊和高中時期朋友保持聯系嗎?Yes, I had some really good friends from high school whom I still stay in touch with. Some of them go to the same city for university with me. When we go back to our hometown, we could shared the trip,keeping company for each other.是的,高中時期我有很多好朋友,目前仍舊有聯系。有幾個和我在同一個城市上大學,放假的時候,可以結伴回家。Whats your high school like?請評價一下你的高中生活Its bittersweet. I was really busy with schoolwork, so I had to study really late in the evening. But I often chatted with close friends during breaks and our teachers were very friendly.我認為高中生活是有苦也有甜的。高中時期的學習任務很重,每天都睡得很晚復習功課。高中時期有很多好友,我們常常在一起交談,高中的老師們也都很棒。What happened on your first day of high school?開學第一天發生什麼了?I remember on the first day everybody in the class took turns to introduce themselves briefly. I was quite shy back then, but I met a few classmates that day who I am still friends with now.我記得開學第一天,班級的同學輪流做了自我介紹。我當時害羞極了,但認識了幾個好朋友,直到現在我們還常常聯系。Who is your favorite person in high school?誰是你高中時期最喜歡的人?Definitely my historical teacher,Mrs.Green. Her class is always full of joyful atmosphere,we learned different varieties of history knowledge from vivid stories. She is the best teacher for me back in high school.我的歷史老師Mrs. Green。她的課堂總是充滿歡聲笑語,我們從很多生動有趣的故事中學到了很多歷史知識。她是我高中時期最喜歡的老師。What is the most unforgettable thing in high school?高中時期最難忘的事Well,I think freshman’s military training program is the most unforgettable thing for me in high school. It last for two weeks,really exhausted.But I learned about the power of teamwork, we were been trained together,finished the tough tasks together and sang songs everyday. It’s a precious memory for me.新生軍訓是我最難忘的事。為期兩周的訓練,筋疲力盡。但我感受到來了團隊協作的力量,我和同學一起參加軍訓,一起完成艱巨的任務,每天一起唱歌。高中的軍訓是我非常珍貴的一段回憶。相關搜索軍訓感想高中生活英語作文foreign難忘的高中生活honesteducation

